Be Still and Know Scripture Coloring Page
God is sovereign. God is all-powerful. God is all-wise. God doesn’t fit in our man-made box. Yet God is good. Stillness reminds us that God is God and we are not. Only when we are still can we grasp the God-ness of God.
This Scripture coloring sheet will literally help you practice stillness as you color and ponder the God-ness of God.
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1. When you purchase, you'll immediately be emailed the links to your file(s). Be sure to enter the correct email address (with no typos :) ) so you'll get your files. Please note: These links are meant to give temporary access until you can download the files and save to your own device, usb, Dropbox, etc. The links do expire.
2. Most mobile devices such as phones and ipads, do not allow for downloading through a link. It's best to download from a laptop or desktop.
If you are an apple user, you’ll need to “copy” the PDF into IBOOKS, as opposed to “downloading” them directly. We’ve had readers share this tip! After doing that, you are able to click on the links. Weird I know, but it works!
3. If you are unable to locate the file on your device, use the search function to search the product name. This should do it!
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- Try using a different device (such as a computer) this solves the problem most of the time.
- Try using a different browser (Chrome works best)
- Try copying and pasting the url into your browser if the links aren't clickable
- Try typing the url into your browser manually
- Try accessing the materials from a different reader (not ibooks- they are the worst at being able to click, copy, and paste)
- Try changing your security settings to allow links and youtube videos
- Try changing the app settings to allow links and youtube videos